Rooster ATTACKS!. . .then THIS happens!
As strange as it might sound, we are so thrilled that Maelstrom is prone to panics and kicking. He has taught us so much about what drives this sort of behavior and has reassured so many other keepers that their challenging boys aren't bad eggs. So often, keepers are told that roosters who attack are aggressive, hopeless, and just plain mean. This boy does a great job proving that just because they get spooked or upset, it doesn't mean they dislike us or don't want to be close and loved. They react big, and it can definitely be upsetting in the moment, but doesn't have to be a burned bridge. Compassion, reassurance, and a bit of support in these moments are all that's needed to continue strengthening a positive and loving relationship.
When it comes to misunderstood animals, roosters may well be at the top of the list. All sorts of myths and bad advice have become widespread, leaving many keepers feeling as though they have no choice but to respond to them harshly, expel them from their flock, or avoid keeping them altogether. There is a strong perception within the community that they are ill-tempered, challenging, and simply not worth the hassle. Sadly, there is also a pervasive belief that the only way to engage with them is to be combative or aggressive oneself, in hopes of intimidating them into ‘good’ behavior. In truth, this is the worst approach, and is very likely to take what started as a misunderstanding and convert it into a serious and recurring issue. When this happens, it's always the bird that winds up being blamed and punished. These situations are then used as support that ‘roosters are mean’ and ‘you just can’t fix bad behavior’. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Whether you've got an adult roo with "aggressive" tendencies, a young rooster that suddenly "turned mean" or you want to be prepared when 'rooberty' hits your little angel, we'd love to help you create (or repair) a loving relationship with your little yard dinosaur!
Check out some of these resources!
Helpful Links:
Roovolution Website
Rooster Allies Facebook Group
Rooster "Aggression" Explained
Understanding and Responding to Rooster Behavior
Keeping A Bachelor Rooster Flock
If you need more tailored help with your rooster(s) don't hesitate to
book a free consultation on our website , or join us on
Facebook in the group Rooster Allies!
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And if you want to do even more. . .
We do accept donations on Paypal:
We will never charge for the work we do, but instead rely solely on the generosity of others to move our mission forward. Furthermore, we are committed to directing all profits towards expanding our ability to help more roos.
Let's change the world!
#animallover , #rooster , #chooks , #chickenlife , #happychickens , #petchickens